...he's a southern boy at heart. Well, not really- but mommy wants him to be :)
The name Davis is English or Scottish and means "son of David". What the hell. That's not really a meaning. And the name Davis is of Hebrew origin.
The names James is English and means "supplant" or "replace". That's not a good one either.
Ok, we just won't pay attention to the name's meaning. Davis- meaning: "son of Crain". Yeah...that's it.
This is my journey of my first pregnancy & first years as a mom. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
29 week check-up
I'm to the two week schedule on the doctor now! Only 11 more weeks....yeahhhh! (I'm also scared shitless too but I'll try not to concentrate on those feelings)
Things are moving along just fine. I'm a nesting psycho. I reorganized and got bins for all my storage areas in need of a spruce up ('cept the garage- that is a BIG undertaking)- laundry, master bath closet & vanity, up hall vanity, and kitchen under-sink cabinets. Mom's also painting the downstairs that didn't get done a couple months ago- hall, entry, DR & LR. Yes, she's still working at my house. She might be over at my house during the day light more than her's. I'm currently paying her in baked cheetos. Yes, that's right. I am very generous. We gave her a manual labor name "Geraldine" in homage of the cheetos :) My house would be a mess without my Geraldine!
So I digress...went to the doctor today. No weight gain (just since two weeks ago). Thank the lord b/c last time I had a BIG # I did not like. I've gained about 15lbs so far. Lots of folks gain 1/2-1 lb per week 'til the end of pregnancy. Let's hope for the smaller of those #'s. If I can keep it to 22lbs or less, I'll be happy. It's just more to lose at the end of this ordeal. The baby's not an ordeal- the having him portion is though! BP is 120/70- fine- and my blood sugar test came back fine. I scored an 80 (like I know what the hell that means) so I asked and the doc said as long as you're under a 140 you're in the clear for gestational diabetes. Bean's heart rate has stayed about the same- 143 and hovers between 142-148. The doc was asking me later about my intentions for labor- drugs please- and she said that 97% of women in IN laboring in a hospital get an epidural. That's quite higher than I anticipated. I'm going to try and wait til 4-5 cm to get it so I'm not confined to a bed for 16 hours. But, I'm flexible- we'll just see how much it hurts.
Dr. Moon also informed me w/ a big smile on her face that she and another couple docs are going to the Superbowl. GO COLTS!!!!!!! (Don't worry- Bean has already has a Colts jacket thanks to Nana-just trying that one out for my mom).
Things are moving along just fine. I'm a nesting psycho. I reorganized and got bins for all my storage areas in need of a spruce up ('cept the garage- that is a BIG undertaking)- laundry, master bath closet & vanity, up hall vanity, and kitchen under-sink cabinets. Mom's also painting the downstairs that didn't get done a couple months ago- hall, entry, DR & LR. Yes, she's still working at my house. She might be over at my house during the day light more than her's. I'm currently paying her in baked cheetos. Yes, that's right. I am very generous. We gave her a manual labor name "Geraldine" in homage of the cheetos :) My house would be a mess without my Geraldine!
So I digress...went to the doctor today. No weight gain (just since two weeks ago). Thank the lord b/c last time I had a BIG # I did not like. I've gained about 15lbs so far. Lots of folks gain 1/2-1 lb per week 'til the end of pregnancy. Let's hope for the smaller of those #'s. If I can keep it to 22lbs or less, I'll be happy. It's just more to lose at the end of this ordeal. The baby's not an ordeal- the having him portion is though! BP is 120/70- fine- and my blood sugar test came back fine. I scored an 80 (like I know what the hell that means) so I asked and the doc said as long as you're under a 140 you're in the clear for gestational diabetes. Bean's heart rate has stayed about the same- 143 and hovers between 142-148. The doc was asking me later about my intentions for labor- drugs please- and she said that 97% of women in IN laboring in a hospital get an epidural. That's quite higher than I anticipated. I'm going to try and wait til 4-5 cm to get it so I'm not confined to a bed for 16 hours. But, I'm flexible- we'll just see how much it hurts.
Dr. Moon also informed me w/ a big smile on her face that she and another couple docs are going to the Superbowl. GO COLTS!!!!!!! (Don't worry- Bean has already has a Colts jacket thanks to Nana-just trying that one out for my mom).
Friday, January 22, 2010
Nursery- phase 1

I (ok, my mother really) finshed phase 1 of my nursery! This includes painting- walls, trim, doors, & furniture. In the second & third picture you can see the ugly mustard color on the wall and equally ugly (& short) stained baseboards. The doors were stained as well- and were two differnt colors. It was not a very attractive space- but for wrapping gifts it certainly served its purpose.
The first picture is of a kid's rocking chair we painted white. It was brought back from California by Matt's mom a couple months ago. It is from Aunt Suellen's home who recently passed on. We are glad to have a part of her in Bean's nursery & sad they never got a chance to meet. She was a pretty cool lady and really loved all her great nieces & nephews as she didn't have any children of her own. We'll miss you Suellen.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
28 weeks
So, this week Davis/Griffin is almost two and a half pounds. He's getting big and something seems to hurt almost all the time- my back, butt, or spleen. Well, we don't know it's my spleen but he's leanin on some organ and it hurts! Anyone know where the spleen really is? Hmmm...Good lord, we have at least another 4lbs to go. Where is it going to fit?
This weekend mom helped me officially start the nursery. I totally moved out my office stuff and took over the guest room closet (2' x 3' only) to make a wrapping station. I donated and trashed the rest. I took it all to Goodwill this morning. I also took over the small bookshelf in the guest room. We then patched a bizarre amount of pin holes. I think the previous homeowner maybe used the one wall for a peg board. That room clearly had wallpaper in it before which left a lot of residue that glows when you put painting light on it. Luckily, that room is dim normally :) Mom painted all the trim white and we got the ceilings and floors "cut out" (paint wise). Mom (I'm using her a lot for labor clearly) went back over today and got the first coat on too. She just called to tell me that she was changing my sheets, doing laundry, and doing the dishes whilst she waited for the paint to dry. Go ahead on Jill! This week we'll do the stripes and Matthew is taking off baseboards. Hopefully we can schedule the carpenter for next week and be in good shape! Awww...I feel successful from the weekend (Matthew was gone) even though Jill did 75% of it all. Thanks mom!
This morning I got collector's editions of Dr. Seuss (The Lorax is my favorite) and a baby blanket. The baby blanket. It's wonderful and soft and super cute. It's a soft light blue and had a 3" satin edge embroidered with "thank heaven for little boys".
One last thing...I'm tearing up for no apparent reason. Not b/c I've seen a baby or a sad commercial- I was listening to Rhiana in my car and started crying. Crazy hormones.
This weekend mom helped me officially start the nursery. I totally moved out my office stuff and took over the guest room closet (2' x 3' only) to make a wrapping station. I donated and trashed the rest. I took it all to Goodwill this morning. I also took over the small bookshelf in the guest room. We then patched a bizarre amount of pin holes. I think the previous homeowner maybe used the one wall for a peg board. That room clearly had wallpaper in it before which left a lot of residue that glows when you put painting light on it. Luckily, that room is dim normally :) Mom painted all the trim white and we got the ceilings and floors "cut out" (paint wise). Mom (I'm using her a lot for labor clearly) went back over today and got the first coat on too. She just called to tell me that she was changing my sheets, doing laundry, and doing the dishes whilst she waited for the paint to dry. Go ahead on Jill! This week we'll do the stripes and Matthew is taking off baseboards. Hopefully we can schedule the carpenter for next week and be in good shape! Awww...I feel successful from the weekend (Matthew was gone) even though Jill did 75% of it all. Thanks mom!
This morning I got collector's editions of Dr. Seuss (The Lorax is my favorite) and a baby blanket. The baby blanket. It's wonderful and soft and super cute. It's a soft light blue and had a 3" satin edge embroidered with "thank heaven for little boys".
One last thing...I'm tearing up for no apparent reason. Not b/c I've seen a baby or a sad commercial- I was listening to Rhiana in my car and started crying. Crazy hormones.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Name update...
And the front-runners are (drumroll please)...
Griffin Daniel
Davis James (NOT Dave or Davey!! I really don't like those at all!)
I think Griffin is super cute while Davis is "cool". Matthew's on board w/ both of these- which is why they're the font-runners. Thoughts? By poll, Davis has the slight edge...maybe we'll just see what Bean looks like before we make the decision though I would really like to get some letters painted for the wall before he's born. I guess I could do both!
Griffin Daniel
Davis James (NOT Dave or Davey!! I really don't like those at all!)
I think Griffin is super cute while Davis is "cool". Matthew's on board w/ both of these- which is why they're the font-runners. Thoughts? By poll, Davis has the slight edge...maybe we'll just see what Bean looks like before we make the decision though I would really like to get some letters painted for the wall before he's born. I guess I could do both!
OB & Nursery
I forgot to update about my first baby class! But, I have the second tomorrow so I'll wait to hear what new info we get and blog about it soon. On a good note- half the class was about how men should dote on their wives. Thanks instructor!
Today I had another OB appointment. I'm just over 27 weeks so I had to take my glucola test. They make sure that your body has the appropriate amount of sugar. If there's too much often you develop gestational diabetes. That's just pregnant diabetes and for most it goes away after delivery. Basically they give you a bright orange juice- it reminds me of bug juice at camp- and you chug it within 5 mintues. I've got to say, it was a tad sweet for 9am. Then, an hour later, they take your blood. Usually they have to stick me 3 times at least and the blood taker lady put on the arm band so tight I thought I was going to pass out. But sure enough, she got it in the first try! This was the first time anyone has ever gotten it in the first try. I'm gonna ask for her next time.
While my body was processing said sugary beverage, I had my short check-up w/ Dr. Moon. I was weighed...I did gain some weight during the holidays that I suppose I will attribute to the endless meals we ate. Can't I just blame it all on Bean? No? Damn. Between wedding activites (that went on for four days), multiple Christmas meals, and New Years- I was not particularly surprised. I've not gained too much weight by any means, but they like the "bigger gals" to gain a little less. Took the BP- it was 112/70 which I'm told is fine- though I still don't know what it actually means. I keep saying I'll look it up- so I'll say it again...I will look that up! I didn't realize the reason us preggos aren't supposed to lay on our back in bed is b/c it decreases your BP. Fun fact I learned in Lamaze class :) We talked w/ the doc briefly about Brazton Hicks contractions and how to tell real from fake. The answer is "call your doctor and come in multiple times until you figure it out". Still getting headaches but far less. There's also the heartburn but that goes away quite easily w/ a little water and some tums. I now have them hidden in my car, purse, at the office, and on both floors of my house. The third trimester means coming in to see Dr. Moon every two weeks. My boss/dad thought that was a little excessive but I do not make the rules daddy. Sorry.
My sister and girlfriends have just started discussing plans for a baby shower. I have a hard time not knowing the details b/c usually the parties I go to I also help plan. I shall wait patiently (well, modeately patiently). Linda Street is kindly letting us use her beautiful new house for a change of scenery. Thanks guys, I'm really excited! I believe the final date is Feb 27th.
There is quite a bit to do for Bean yet. I'm listing it to keep it all in order in my head. Thank god mom is close- she's a work horse. I would never finsh this nursery w/o you. Matthew and I are not so good at "projects".
-Finish cleaning out craft room (wrapping paper room really) and find a closet to put it all!
- Clean off book shelf so Bean has somewhere to put his knick-nacks
-Paint stained trim white
-Take-off base boards
-Paint walls in 6" blue stripes (no paper- too $). Having a hard time b/c of the blue color of the rocker. Hmmm...
-Brad to install new 5 1/4" white base board, bead board paneling, and chair rail after we paint
-Urethane dresser mom painted white
-Paint kids rocking chair white
-Paint legs of rocking horse white
-Find handles for dresser or plug holes and use standard size.
-Put together crib
-Buy floor and table lamp in white wood (this has been harder than I anticipated)
-Make or buy rug...I'm a flooring person. Shouldn't I have this handled? I want a blue, white, and navy rag rug.
-White switch plate covers
-Paint frames for the vintage Pooh drawings Eileen gave me. Other wall art?
-Many wicker baskets for storage under crib and on book shelves
-Wash & assemble bedding. This will be my favorite part! It's so freakin cute!
-Wash and put away clothes, diapers, wipes, etc
-Accessorize...I think I'll like this too :)
I feel better just have made this list! Matthew's gone this weekend with "the boys" so maybe I'll at least get things organized and the paint started. We shall see...
Today I had another OB appointment. I'm just over 27 weeks so I had to take my glucola test. They make sure that your body has the appropriate amount of sugar. If there's too much often you develop gestational diabetes. That's just pregnant diabetes and for most it goes away after delivery. Basically they give you a bright orange juice- it reminds me of bug juice at camp- and you chug it within 5 mintues. I've got to say, it was a tad sweet for 9am. Then, an hour later, they take your blood. Usually they have to stick me 3 times at least and the blood taker lady put on the arm band so tight I thought I was going to pass out. But sure enough, she got it in the first try! This was the first time anyone has ever gotten it in the first try. I'm gonna ask for her next time.
While my body was processing said sugary beverage, I had my short check-up w/ Dr. Moon. I was weighed...I did gain some weight during the holidays that I suppose I will attribute to the endless meals we ate. Can't I just blame it all on Bean? No? Damn. Between wedding activites (that went on for four days), multiple Christmas meals, and New Years- I was not particularly surprised. I've not gained too much weight by any means, but they like the "bigger gals" to gain a little less. Took the BP- it was 112/70 which I'm told is fine- though I still don't know what it actually means. I keep saying I'll look it up- so I'll say it again...I will look that up! I didn't realize the reason us preggos aren't supposed to lay on our back in bed is b/c it decreases your BP. Fun fact I learned in Lamaze class :) We talked w/ the doc briefly about Brazton Hicks contractions and how to tell real from fake. The answer is "call your doctor and come in multiple times until you figure it out". Still getting headaches but far less. There's also the heartburn but that goes away quite easily w/ a little water and some tums. I now have them hidden in my car, purse, at the office, and on both floors of my house. The third trimester means coming in to see Dr. Moon every two weeks. My boss/dad thought that was a little excessive but I do not make the rules daddy. Sorry.
My sister and girlfriends have just started discussing plans for a baby shower. I have a hard time not knowing the details b/c usually the parties I go to I also help plan. I shall wait patiently (well, modeately patiently). Linda Street is kindly letting us use her beautiful new house for a change of scenery. Thanks guys, I'm really excited! I believe the final date is Feb 27th.
There is quite a bit to do for Bean yet. I'm listing it to keep it all in order in my head. Thank god mom is close- she's a work horse. I would never finsh this nursery w/o you. Matthew and I are not so good at "projects".
-Finish cleaning out craft room (wrapping paper room really) and find a closet to put it all!
- Clean off book shelf so Bean has somewhere to put his knick-nacks
-Paint stained trim white
-Take-off base boards
-Paint walls in 6" blue stripes (no paper- too $). Having a hard time b/c of the blue color of the rocker. Hmmm...
-Brad to install new 5 1/4" white base board, bead board paneling, and chair rail after we paint
-Urethane dresser mom painted white
-Paint kids rocking chair white
-Paint legs of rocking horse white
-Find handles for dresser or plug holes and use standard size.
-Put together crib
-Buy floor and table lamp in white wood (this has been harder than I anticipated)
-Make or buy rug...I'm a flooring person. Shouldn't I have this handled? I want a blue, white, and navy rag rug.
-White switch plate covers
-Paint frames for the vintage Pooh drawings Eileen gave me. Other wall art?
-Many wicker baskets for storage under crib and on book shelves
-Wash & assemble bedding. This will be my favorite part! It's so freakin cute!
-Wash and put away clothes, diapers, wipes, etc
-Accessorize...I think I'll like this too :)
I feel better just have made this list! Matthew's gone this weekend with "the boys" so maybe I'll at least get things organized and the paint started. We shall see...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Belly Update!
Monday, January 4, 2010
26 weeks
This week baby Bean is the size of a hothouse cucumber (prox 15") and about 1 lb 12 oz. He's working to put on baby fat (lots please, I love little plump babies!) He can hear me and daddy now chatting and discern our voices.
Name update...what about Griffin? Matthew doesn't much like any of my choices but Barb at the office suggested it today and I think it's pretty cute- and surprisingly Matthew said he could get on board. Hmmm...
Name update...what about Griffin? Matthew doesn't much like any of my choices but Barb at the office suggested it today and I think it's pretty cute- and surprisingly Matthew said he could get on board. Hmmm...
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