Wednesday, March 31, 2010


My dearest Grammy (daddy's mother) passed away yesterday after a short battle with Alzheimer's. It was a shock to us all but I know she's in a better place. She always told us kids "you are my favorite" and we knew she told everyone that but she just made us feel special and will be missed dearly. God be with you Grammy.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

New member of the family.

Nope- not the baby quite yet! But, I do have a borther in law in the works. Finally. My sister got engaged last night her long-time boyfriend, Mr. JJ Pease. I love this kid. He is tremendous. I'm so happy for them. Here's a pic of thing ring- not baby related but every gal loves jewelry, right? :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Enough Already!

How many weeks of "practice" does my uterus need contracting, really? Come on- enough already! And the RN told me that these don't hurt. At about 65 years old, she doesn't remember her prgnancy clearly! Just get 'im out!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I LOVE having a housekeeper...

I'm so lucky. Geraldine (aka mom- this is what her "labor" name is...) is such a blessing! She called me today and was finishing painting my stairwell & up hall and had also decided to put in a pot roast for me. She also changed sheets, did laundry, etc. I know moms are usually the helpful type but really, she's gone above and beyond during this pregnancy. I think she's at my house 3 days a week doing something or other. Its really quite wonderful. She's quite wonderful & I am very lucky to have her. Love you mom.

37 weeks!

37 weeks means a full term baby! Woo hoo! Though, looks like I'm not quite there yet :( so I will wait semi-patiently for three more weeks (hopefully less) until the little man is quite ready to make his way into the world. Maybe he's just waiting for warm weather. Seems reasonable to me.

Today I had yet another OB appt and cervical exam (joy.) I am 50% effaced and one cm dilated so I'm moving in the right direction. Though, you can be one-three cms dilated for weeks on end so that really doesn't tell us when he's coming, just that if I am dilating that I'm more likely to have a successful vaginal delivery.

BP 126/70- just a smidge high for me but I was a little worked up b/c I was running late.
Bean HR: 148- also a little high for him but very normal
Weight gain: 25.5 lbs- let's keep it under 30!
Dialated: 1 cm
Effaced: 50%

I really hope this ababy comes just a little early to avoid more exams. If they can't tell me from my cervical stats when he's coming then why do the insist on putting their arm up me so damn often?! But, we have Easter coming up at the Crains & Matthew says Davis will interrupt his work schedule if he's early, so we'll see what happens...until next week...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

36 week check-up

Alas, another cervical exam! Do I really need one of these damn things every week? On a good note, I had the nurse practicioner today who wasn't quite as forceful but did seem to want to fish around for a while which was just not entirely pleasant. But, good news- my cervix is softening so I'm moving in the right direction! But, the head is still "really high" so the NP gave me some exercises to do on my birth ball along w/ lunges and stairs. That's what I want to do at 8 months pregnant- flights of stairs! But, if it makes this baby come quicker- I might just be up for it!

Stats at 36 weeks:
PB: 116/70
Weight- almost 25 lbs.
Davis heart rate: 132

All well within the normal/healthy range!

The nurse was more chatty than the doctor so she answered all my questions on my list (I had 10) and prepped me a little bit for what to expect. I would like to tell all my relatives that asked me to give birth on a weekend (or a day or two before) that no, I can't schedule an induction based on that unless I'm passed 39 weeks already. Sorry. I'm also told that some belly buttons do NOT pop out which is news to me. I happen to have a very deep belly button that does not appear to be going anywhere. Matthew seemed to think this was like a tukey timer- when I was ready it would shoot out of me. Not the case. I think that's all for this week- more next Tuesday- lets hope the baby moves his way down soon!

36 weeks

That certainly looks bigger than a baby "bump" to me!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The nursery is DONE!

I think we're all done! Yeah!! This really looks nothing like any of my other rooms. So much for continuity. It was stained wood work and no bead board. It was really my wrapping and junk space. This is much more suitable for a baby. I've been told babies are nearly blind at birth so this is prob'ly more for me than Davis but oh well!

These are pics of the finished nursery. The top photo is just a little navy side table from Target. I was trying to balance the navy from the rocking chair in the other corner of the room. The next photo is the crib from Matt's parents. They also donated these 1950's Winnie The Pooh watercolors. I just framed and matted for a little more pop. The lamp is hobbile- I know- that's the one thing I'm still working on. I stole this one from Matt's office just to get some light in the space. Form over function or the other way around? Hmmm....

Below is the window treatment mom made (and hung w/ Matt's help). It's a quilted white with navy on navy linen w/ embroidered pin dots. And of course "DC" for Davis Crain".

An antique wire pram I got while with Courtney in Houston.

Another Winnie the Pooh watercolor. Matthew did NOT like hanging this shelf. Something about wall anchors and studs. I supervised and was the hammer holder. Somebody's gotta do it. The dresser was picked up at a garage sale by mom- she also sanded off the stain and painted white. Matthew put in the new hardware. The drawyers are all full for Mr. Davis.

Old Teddy & mini rocking chair from Matt's Grandma who has since passed away.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

35 week check-up

I had my 35 week check-up today and from here on out I go visit the doc once a week in preparation for the BABY! Woot woot!!
Unfortuneately, this means I have to have a cervical exam to see if I'm "softening". OH MY don't know how much force has to be exerted to get the doctors fingers up to my cervix. Next time I'm going to ask for a leather strap to bite on. I feel a little violated- and if the baby doesn't come on his own then surely the sheer force of the exam will at least help to wriggle him free. Not looking forward to any more of these. I'm tempted to just squat and have this baby in a field early just to avoid this procedure in the future. Why didn't someone warn me! Shocking I tell you. I guess this in preparation for the real work ahead of me. weight gain this time (after 8 lbs in 5 weeks that's a relief!) so- almost 24 lbs
BP 118/70 I think.
No dialation or softening. So, should be close to my due date- or at least not early.
Baby is measuring around 5.5 lbs- so, that puts him roughly in the high 7lb range- close to 8.

Issues this month- constant discomfort. Now I really feel pregnant. My back & siadic (sp?) hurt ALL THE TIME. My feet & fingers are swollen- not too bad though. When I got off the plane from FL last week my feet looked like marshmellows with toes on the end. It was not pretty but they did go back to "normal" (well, pregnant normal) within a few hours. I'm also having some uncomortable contractions at night sometimes, but they go away in an hour or so. Sleeping through the night is tough b/c of the discomfort mixed with the need to pee about every hour and a half. But, considering I only have 5 weeks left, I've really had a pretty good pregnancy relative to lots of other women. I should be thankful that I've had to problems really.

We're (me & mom) are finishing up the nursery today and then pictures of the finished product!

And congratultions are in order to Jackie & Colin who had a baby boy "Tyden Everett Fiesbeck" yesterday at 1:29am- 7lb 13 oz and healthy. Also to my friend here at the office that just told me she's 10 weeks. I'm not sure if she's announcing publicly yet- so we'll keep her and her husband under wraps for the time being. More playdates!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Damn crib.

My super-cute headboard (which was broken) was supposed to be here last Friday and when I called the manufacturer to ask where it was they said "ehh....I guess we forgot to tell you that its backorderd until the the end of March". Sweet. I'm in Florida this week so Matthew's going to put it up for me the way it is so I can have my nursery set. Thank you honey. We'll just throw a blanket over that corner til the new one shows up. I hate staring at a half-done nursery!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Baby Shower

I had a really great time at my baby shower this weekend. About 25 gals showed up. Two of my best friends even flew in. Adriane came from Tampa and Courtney surprised me by coming in from Houston! Thanks so much to everyone that helped! Everything tasted great and looked beautiful. The centerpiece above was made by Lauren McElroy. She's very crafty. Stacy headed up the shower and was assisted by Christi & Shannon. Thanks for Linda (Shannon's mom) for letting us use her house. I think my favorite thing there were the peanut buttr balls. YUM! There were so many gifts, I was sweating through my dress by the time I was done opening presents! This kid is going to have so many clothes, I'm going to have to use his closet and overflow into the guest! Thanks everyone. Here's a few pics.